Questions?.. Call us at 808-987-0920 for phone support - or just email
your question to: info@islandsource.com
Please fill in the information as applicable. DO NOT use the browser "Return
Key" as it will clear the form.
Please let us know what other main booking sites you currently advertise
Please enter details describing your property, location, features, # of
bedrooms, etc. ...anything that is important. ( We reserve the right to
edit text as deemend necessary )
Please enter your seasonal rates - Start date , End Date, and Rate Details
- if applicable
Please enter your Rental Deposit Details
Please enter your details for any required security deposit and refund
You can upload up to 10 photos here. If you like to list more, just submit
the form a 2nd time with up to 5 more photos. You only need to fill in
your rental name and email on the 2nd submission and can leave the other
areas blank.
We will contact you personally to confirm receipt of the above information.
If you have any questions we will be happy to answer them any time. Once
we added your vacation rental we will send you a link so you can review
and approve your new listing. Thank you for joining IslandSource.com.